Introducing to you the new book “Umrah – Guidance and tips”

Dear brothers and sisters

In the name of Allah, Most High, peace and blessings be upon His Messenger Muhammad.

We introduce to you the new book “Umrah – guidance and tips” published by the association “DAVET”.

This book is an excerpt from the work “Hajj Guidance” by the author hfz. Muhamed Fadil Porcha, MSc.  We decided to translate it into Macedonian and process the part related to umrah, given that in recent times the number of people performing Umrah is rising rapidly.

The book contains guidance and tips for performing Umrah, Qur’anic verses and hadiths that explain the importance of this ibadah (worship), then the prayers we should say written in Arabic, with transliteration and interpretaton into Macedonian, to be accessible to all. Here are some medical tips to help you stay healthy.

At the end of the book, you can find Surah Al-Fatihah, as well as the last ten Surahs of the Qur’an. The suras are also transliterated and translated into Macedonian.

Due to its small format, the book is very convenient to use, its content offers readers a complete insight into this prominent religious duty.

The book is printed in 2000 copies. Anyone who wants to get a copy, should like our FB page and leave us his/her information in inbox and we will send it by mail.

We ask the Almighty Allah to reward all who participated in the realization of this work.

Link to the book “Umrah – Guidance and Tips”

Editor “DAVET”.



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